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Square rainfall head
anti scald miser bar
swirl shower head
in-line shower mixer
riser rail and shower head
scald resistant mixer control
rainfall shower head

Mixer showers mix the hot and cold supply of an existing system in a special valve before it reaches the user. We offer an incredible value for money mixer showers. They are a complete solution coming with a mixer valve, shower head (riser rail, fixed head and hose when required). Basically the product image is everything you will receive when placing an order. 

Electric showers can generally be used with any domestic water supply. Mostly connected to the cold water supply and heat the water within the shower itself, this is by passing the water through an heating element. as a general rule of thumb the higher the wattage the more volume output the shower will have. They are a complete solution coming with a electric shower unit, shower head, hose and riser rail. 

Mixer showers

Electric showers

Anti-scald showers

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